This intermediate bag includes everything from the Basic Bugout Bag, as well as the items shown below.
For simplicity reasons, all of these items are found on Amazon so that you can get them all in one place.

Leatherman’s Wave Multitool is one of the best on the market for the price. The Wave has 100% stainless steel blades and tools. It comes with needle nose pliers, regular pliers, wire cutters, hard-wire cutters, 420HC knife, 420HC serrated knife, saw, scissors, wood/metal file, diamond-coated file, large bit driver, small bit driver, medium screwdriver, 8-inch ruler, bottle opener, can opener, and a wire stripper. This one also comes with a nice Leather/Nylon combination sheath.
LEATHERMAN, Skeletool Lightweight Multitool

425 lbs Paracord / Utility Rope for crafting, paracord bracelets, survival bracelets, tie downs, and camping. is a great all in one solution. Paracord is made up of 5 removable inner strands. The cord’s durable nylon sheath will perform in high tension wear and tear situations, even in harsh climates. Not only can you use the paracord as an extremely strong rope, but you can also take the strands out and use them for fishing, sewing, dental floss, nets, traps the possibilities are absolutely endless. Be careful though, some brands of paracord are poorly manufactured and can be missing strands making the rope weaker. Sometimes it can be made out of poor materials all together. I have had very good luck with SGT Knots products and plan to keep buying from them. Paracord is a wonderful addition to your survival pack.
550 Type III Paracord, 7-Strand Core, High Strength

Small Folding Knife
A small knife for smaller tasks is needed. Sometimes you don’t want to pull out your massive Ka-Bar to do a small job (even though we all love our Ka-Bar’s). This knife is made from CPM-S30V stainless steel and has a back lock for safety (back locks are MUCH safer in my opinion than side locks which sometimes malfunction and don’t hold). I will choose Spyderco over Ka-Bar folding knifes any day. They both have their place and Spyderco holds it’s own with folding knives.
Spyderco Native 5 Lightweight Signature Folder Knife

Knife Sharpener
This knife sharpener is a great tactical and compact solution for sharpening your survival knives. The sharpener is made out of Diamond/Carbide. If you are chopping, skinning, or carving it will be extremely hard to with with a dull knife!
Sharpen your knife with Lansky QuadSharp QSHARP

These may not be quite as necessary as some other items listed here, however they definitely would be missed if they were not included in the bugout bag. Binoculars can be a wonderful protection tool. It is always nice to see what you may be walking into before you are already there. These binoculars are 100% waterproof and have a 12x magnification. It is hard to come by good waterproof binoculars, these are also a compact size to fit in your bag.
Bushnell H2O Waterproof/Fogproof Compact Roof Prism Binocular

Rain Gear
Staying warm and dry is crucial to survival. When the rain comes and you absolutely have to go out in it or have not prepared a shelter a poncho will be well worth having. This poncho is a one size fits all and has a fully tapped paratex dry shell. It also is designed to cover personal equipment and backpack, keeping your gear dry is very important as everything may not be 100% waterproof. Can be used as an emergency bivvi by design. For staying dry this Snugpak poncho is a great solution.
Extra Clothes
Extra clothes are very important for a survivalist. Try to find clothes made with good wicking material (synthetic fibers such as teflon or polyester) to help keep moisture out. Also keep them in a dry waterproof bag inside of your BOB in case your BOB gets wet unintentionally.
As with the basic bug out bag you do not need to buy ALL of these items at once, you can always reference back and get maybe a few items on this list every few weeks or months (whatever fits your budget). Most bugout bag’s are not built overnight, and shouldn’t be since it needs to be filled with survival gear that could potentially save your life in difficult situations so it’s always best to do your own research to ensure you get what fits your needs.